Thursday, September 15, 2011

the birthday extravaganza

my dad tells me every year that i stretch out my birthday more than anyone he has ever met:) this is probably true, but it always just happens that way. after my amazing birthday last year, i mean it was at disneyland people, i knew this year would be definitely different. i wanted it to be small and not a big hoopla. when you dont have all your nearest and dearest its tough to want to go all out for your birthday.
cool part about having your birthday near a holiday, you usually get to have an extra day off! mine falls right around labor day and this year was no exception. i found out a few months ago that the beach boys were going to be coming back to vegas and would be at mandalay beach. i have always wanted to see them and tiffany was gracious enough to say yes. i was hoping richard would take me and come with us, but he was going to another concert that night.

it was saturday night of labor day weekend and the weather was amazing! concerts at the beach are literally in the water and are soo much fun. i have seen a few there and always have a blast! we got there about an hour early and sat around to people watch. there was a huge range of ages! we were definitely in the younger group of the crowd at the event. there was literally every age all there to see the same band it was very cool.
about 10 minutes before the start of the concert tiffany informs the last time she saw the beach boys uncle jesse from full house came out to play for a few songs. i was praying this would happen again! he was of course my favorite from the show and i had a huge crush on him, surprise i know :) then just as the boys came on stage they were joined by a much younger addition on drums..UNCLE JESSE!! i, along with just about every other person there, was literally jumping up and down. he played the whole time and was awesome.

i was surprised that so many people in the crowd knew all the words, just like we did. and i have to say, those beach boys are gettin old. at one point mike love was talking about his first car...a 1943 something. i mean they rocked and were amazing, but dang they are startin to look old. we had so much fun and i am so glad we went together:)
sunday morning i got up to do my long run so i could do whatever i wanted for the rest of the weekend. catch the recap here if you missed it. after an amazing post long run nap with no alarm i hung out with richard during the day doing nothing, just what i wanted. i had planned a dinner that night with some close friends at maggianos and was super excited! i love that place and have gone there for years on special occasions. we had a reservation for 11, but by the time we got there it was down to 5. seemed like everyone had something else come up. some where totally unavoidable-hello sickness and the er, others it seemed just didnt see this as quite as important. but at maggianos, how can you have a bad time?! i mean the food alone is enough to put a huge smile on your face.
super cute ang and jamey.
i LOVE their chocolate cake.
 we had a great time together and amazing food. i was so grateful for the ones there, they made it a amazing night:)

monday we decided to lay low and enjoy the last day of our 3-day weekend. we cleaned the apartment (thats right, together) and went to see crazy, stupid love in the afternoon. omg! such a good movie! and a really great date movie, not too girly or manly. a great balance for both. after having dinner out the night before and i was meeting my parents the following night, i gladly made fajitas at home that night. it was a perfect low-key day for us.

finally tuesday arrived, my actual birthday. i told you my dad was kinda right. after a 3-day weekend i couldnt rationalize taking another day so i went to work. i got in an extra long run that morning, amazing what happens when you get real sleep for 3 days. and headed out to a super busy day filled with students. about 11am after getting a few reschedule calls i got a beautiful surprise at work...
they were perfect and a great accompanying gift to the pearl earrings he gave me the day before. the balloon sings a hilarious song and put a smile on my face every time someone stopped by to play it. added bonus to the day was we got to wear jeans! heck yes. plus the love that poured in on facebook and texts and phone calls and at work was almost overwhelming. it was amazing on a day that i am always a little nervous about.

afterwords i got to meet my family across the street at the cheesecake factory, another one of my favorite restaurants i dont go to often! my cousin bethany, mom, dad,  my brother from another mother erik, and i meet for dinner and had so much fun! we talked and laughed and joked around, all the great things you do with your family. it was a great end to my birthday extravaganza.
i did exactly what i wanted this year! i kept it low-key and got to spend time with groups of people as well as people individually. i didnt let some lame drama affect me when it reared its ugly head. im not sure next year will be able to measure up:)


  1. I'm a little sad that the crown and flowers weren't mentioned! :-( But I am glad you had a blast for your bday! Virgos are the best aren't they? PS. So jealous your blog has 2272 views! If I had a blogspot blog I'd follow- but I have a tumblr. <3 - Jesi

  2. This looks like such a fun birthday weekend! I'd love to be able to casually go to Las Vegas for my birthday!

    P.S. I found your blog through 20SB and am a new follower :)
