Sunday, December 4, 2011

the 1 week to vegas recap.

this is it people! its really here! i write this to you on the morning of the actual event. i woke up much earlier on a sunday than usual to get all the right food in and take this look back at this last week of training. it was finally time to taper and its always a topsy turvy week. on the one side we have the relief the training is done and the excitement of a few extra days of rest. on the other side you have all the questions creeping into your head. did i run enough? did i eat the right things? did i cross train enough/too much? could i have trained faster or longer? these are some of the reason runners are a total nut the week of!

sunday~4 miles.

since i ran the day before i decided it was ok to take the day off. this sunday i usually reserve for if i want to run, i can. if not it is ok to rest.
who said carbo loading has to be boring!
monday~4-5 miles.
4.72 miles =41:30 minutes/8:47 min/miles

it was the last runner group run before the big day! there was 5 of us this week including a new person that runs with the wednesday night group. it was great to get some last minute advice from the guys and i was even able to keep up with the fasties this week;)

tuesday~4 miles.
5.2 miles =47:19 minutes/9:05 min/miles

i decided that my body just does not do well with tuesday trainings. i started off a little uneven and did not think my pace was going to be good at all. it wasnt until i turned around to come back that my groove finally fell into place and i evened out. plus this was my last official run before the big race day!

6am spin class

class was a little more packed this week and i ended up on a weird side of the room. there was also a weird flow of the music that just didnt seem right. i made it through and was able to walk out accomplished. and it was my very last training session of my rock and roll vegas cycle!



i had some extra vacation days at work so i decided to take friday off for something a little different and came to the conclusion i should take every friday before a race off! it was awesome. i got to sleep in, lounge around, and then go off to the expo! i loooove expos, seriously. they are so fun and really bring in the fact that the race is here. i met my mom there after she got off work and we had a great time!
only in vegas! :)

it was finally the day before the race and i was gladly taking 1 more rest day. i was also really glad we went to the expo friday, because even though it was busy, i heard it was insane saturday! yay, for being a local:) i did however get to go my first blogger meetup at eyecandy in mandalay bay that night! it was an interesting experience and i definitely felt a little out of place. i was for sure the only one that came by myself, and it seemed like everyone knew at least 1 or 2 people so it was a little awkward to try and join in their conversations. i am totally glad i went and did meet a few super nice girls that i can start reading all about their adventures!

totals for the week = 9.92 miles + 1 cross training day.

this was a great last week as far as training goes, even i if i was a bit of a nut. i cant believe today is the actual day! i am about to toe the line to half marathon #6! alright off to take a nap before the race. wish me luck and i am bib #18445:)          

0 days till the vegas rock and roll 1/2 marathon!!!

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