Sunday, March 11, 2012

the rage week 5 recap.

hello week 5! you were apparently meant to kick my butt physically and emotionally. you were meant to knock my confidence a little and make me wonder what i was doing. you also showed me what it means to get back up and finish the week strong. and the value of a training plan.

the only time i even ventured out of the house, after getting up after 2p, was to the grocery store. i love rest days:)

monday~600m am swim. 4-5 mile pm run.
1000m master swim =  105:35 pace
4.72 miles = 43:10 minutes/9:08min/mile

i stepped up to the big leagues and went to a master swim class. after i realized i was the new girl and way over my head i just tried to get through. i did learn a few things about breathing and stroke. i also learned that if your not a swimmer, they dont always take to you kindly in this group. read about it here in case you havent.
so super glad i got to go to my runner group after a tough morning. derrick made sure to let me know they were mean to him too. and the support i got through the day with people who really know me made me determined to not let it get the best of me. plus we were back to t-shirt weather for our group run! 

tuesday~1200m swim.
1200m swim = 73:45 pace

after a not inspiring swim monday morning i was not going to let that define my whole week. so i pulled myself out of bed when i didnt want to and hopped in the pool at the gym. it seemed to take a little longer even if the meters ticked by pretty quick, but i felt good after. i worked on my breathing and the things i had learned from the day before. wow i almost made it to the meters for the race!

6am spin class

this week went wayyy smoother than the week before. i was on a different side of the room and not sure if thats what i needed, but it was a good change. the class was packed and so was the whole gym. we have 1 warm day and everybody remembers they arent quite in beach shape yet lol. but the best part of the day was meeting my parents for dinner because it was my moms birthday! i was definitely glad to see them after a tough week.
it was soooo yummy!
thursday~500m swim. body pump. 
600m swim = 80:28 pace
6am body pump class

the night before i had gotten some great advice from a friend that works with my mom about swimming/breathing and was actually kind of excited to try it out. she used to be a swim coach for kids and broke it down in smaller pieces for me. i was about 400 meters into my swim thursday when i saw derrick sittin on the side of the pool. after feeling better about my breathing he was able to hop in and really watch me helping with my hips and give me some tips. i found out im not rotating them enough or not kicking my legs with them enough either. now that i know these things i know why i am not being efficient when i swim. basically im wasting too much energy, it actually makes total sense in my head:)
i had to leave derrick after only a few tips so i could go get ready for body pump and he needed to get his own laps in. having a good swim and then hard class was going to make me very sore the rest of the day, but i was ready. very successful training morning.

friday~15 mile bike.
15.01 miles bike = 1:12:46 minutes/12.4 mph
3.3 miles run = 30:57 minutes/9:22 min/mile

i actually felt good on this ride! and very accomplished. this is the farthest mileage i have ever had in a training cycle and i didnt die afterward. the hills were tougher this week since i rode more miles before getting to them, but i conquered those suckers! and was frozen like a popsicle:)
my original plans were to meet a friend at starbucks after work and go for a run then have some coffee. but her allergies were going a bit crazy with all the wind we had this week so i ran on my own and met her afterward. running at 1230p is way different, i got to wear a running skirt for the first time in months! i felt good, a little slower than i wanted to but i wasnt going for time at all. my downfall was not putting on sunscreen and then sitting outside with courtney for almost 2 hours. my bra straps are still scrapping my sunburn at every chance they get!
well hello friday! man i was glad to see you.
and wear jeans and a t-shirt to work :)
saturday~4-6 miles.
4.2 miles = 38:16 minutes/9:08 min/mile

this run took a long time (in my head) for me to get into. my stomach was not feeling the greatest but i decided to head out anyway. after about a mile and a half i was finally feeling good and strong. i kept a great pace regardless and am still sooo glad i get to end my week with a run:)

total for the week = 2,800m swam+35.01mi biked+12.22mi ran

i remembered this week to ride the ups and downs of training. and i dont know what i would have done if i didnt have a schedule to keep. i probably would have skipped my swim tuesday and felt like i was playing catch up all week after. and getting down on myself about the missed workouts. instead, no matter how i felt, i got up and swam that 12oo meters on tuesday. this week only made me stronger. and remember what a fantastic support system i have around me:)

40 days till the rage triathlon!!!    

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