Monday, April 30, 2012

the rage week 11 recap.

so i know this is a week late, but i couldnt leave you hanging on the last week of my training! it was all about taper and hopefully calming the nerves i had. i pretend like that worked, the nerves part at least did not. but taper week also means carbload!! hands down the best part of the week:)


coming back from phoenix didnt exaclty give me my normal rest day, but spending time with friends was perfect!

monday~4-5 miles.
4.72 miles = 44:18 minutes/9:23 min/mile

last group of the my training cycle and it felt good. derrick and i talked mostly gear and timing. soooo glad i had someone to help talk me through it. the weather was a little warm, but cooler than the week before so i couldnt complain too much. last run of the cycle complete!
monday night crew!
a big group, at least for us :)
tuesday~1000m swim.
1000m swim = 56:19 pace

the pool was pretty busy, but not nearly as bad as last week. i felt good and strong, less nervous at least for the day about everything. and i am officially done with swimming! like forever if i wanted. it is a really good workout so i might work laps into another training schedule down the road.

wednesday~15 miles bike.
13.75 mi bike = 1:03:55 minutes/12.9mph
2.03 mi run = 17:32 minutes/8:38 min/mile

i had a plan, but ran out of time a little bit with the my friend the wind at least. the weather kept telling me it wouldnt happen until later but of course it just does what it wants. i kept going anyway and even played a little bit with the gears to try new things. i realize why your not supposed to do that the week of a race, you want to try it then, but what if it doesnt work.
i hadnt done the bike to run thing in awhile and needed to remind my body how to do that. so i hopped off the bike a little early and added a little 2 miler which felt good. i always think i am going as slow as molases and then when i finally do look down im actually going at a decent pace. must remember to give myself some credit.


I AM OFFICIALLY DONE with training. and it feels good. i have done all that i can, and must rest up/carb up until race day. :)


i gladly took friday off to sleep in a bit and just hang out for the day. plus it was a chance to go to packet pick up and i actually ran into my friend teri there! i was so glad to have someone that was just as freaked out as i was to do this crazy thing and have another person i would know there.

bib #463.
 saturday~RACE DAY.
1500m swim = 1:01:00 minutes/65:26 pace
24.8mi bike = 2:36:58 minutes/9.5mph
6.2mi run = 1:25:34 minutes/13:46 min/mile

i made it. i finished. i am officially a triathlete. 5:14:31 finish time.
it was a super hot day and it all seemed to fly by now thinking about it. the race company was awesome, so athlete friendly, and plenty of water/food. read the whole recap here!

total for the week=2500m swam+38.55mi bike+8.23mi run

its a little hard to believe its all over and i really finished. a little surreal it all actually happened. my cycling and swimming career are gladly finished and my running spirit has been renewed! i cant wait to see whats next :)

0 days to the rage triathlon!!

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