Thursday, October 18, 2012

the 1 week to nwm recap.

wow oh wow am i behind! so lets backtrack aways and ill catch you up fast so we can get to the good stuff!! the week before a race has really great high points-knowing youve made it, carboloading, and probably fun travel-and some low points known as taper madness-i.e. we worry we didnt train enough or what about that extra rest day, do i have everything i need, or i just want to go out and run. this week was of course no different, plus add lots of schoolwork to get done before i left and you have one seriously crazy week.

just ignore that sunday 13 miler.
my weeks and daily miles
weeks dont quite match up:)


i wish i could say this was my typical sleep in/lounge around sunday, but this one was filled with all homework! at least i got my midterm done in plenty of time:)

monday~4-5 miles.
4.72 miles = 44:31 minutes/9:25 min/mile

we had some old faces return this week at my runner group with the nicer weather! it was great to see some of our original members and that hill was a great reminder of what i had going on that weekend. the weather was even great for an evening run that night!

5am spin class
2.1 miles = 21:12 minutes/10:05 min/mile

i finally made it to spin class! without pt in the morning i was able to really get back to my original schedule. i really missed spin and i for sure left all the sweat possible in that room!
i bought a new pair of shorts to go underneath my runner outfit on sunday and had to try them out so i hopped on the treadmill after spin class to make sure they would work. i forgot how interesting running on the treadmill at the gym is. people watching is fantastic!

wednesday~4 miles.
5.2 miles = 48:09 minutes/9:15 min/mile

note to self: when the plan says 4 miles, stick to 4 miles haha. i got a little too excited about running, the really great weather, and the fact it was my last official day of training before the race. i also forgot i had added an extra 2 miles to the day before, oops. i kept a good pace but next time just stick to that 4 mile plan.


i love a good list:)


we finally made it to san francisco!!! up and early friday morning and to the airport we were off. the day took some interesting turns, more about all of that in my trip recaps:)

rest/sight see

THE EXPO!! and the omg reality that i am really about to run 13.1 miles in the morning:)

totals for the week = 12.02 miles + 1 cross-training session.

even with all the craziness of the week i still was somehow able to get everything in. and we had a great ending to the week with the san francisco adventure officially beginning! i will have TONS more about our trip in the upcoming posts:)

1 day to the nike womens 1/2 marathon!!!

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