Monday, December 3, 2012

the november 2012 running recap.

total run mileage: 72.65 miles
highest weekly run mileage: 27.96 miles
# runs: 13
# rest days: 17
# xtraining workouts: 2 <-oops.
favorite run: ragnar for sure. ok that may be a few runs put together, but man it was cool:)
most hardcore run: the run i did right before ragnar. it wasnt particularily difficult, my head was just all over the place and my body was really not loving that i drug it out of bed that morning.
current reads: back to being a big slacker!
current shame-inducing guilty pleasure: falling asleep with the tv on and sleeping diagonally. i know it sounds silly, but i couldnt do either at my apartment! sleeping right down the middle while friends plays in the background are seriously two of my favorite things:)
current obsession: christmas music! omg its everywhere and im totally in love. ok i wasnt in love until the end of november, but now i listen to it everywhere!
current drink: water and wine, ha! im trying to learn to drink it and i think im doin a pretty darn good job:)
current song: goodbye in her eyes by the zac brown band.
current wish-list: clothes that actually fit. i always thought i would be so excited if my clothes were loose or needed a belt. then it actually happened and now i am beyond frustrated that nothing fits. it would be much easier if i had some extra cash running around to start replacing, but that whole adult thing keeps getting in the way, ha!
current need: to stay in the moment. sometimes i get so worried about what the future might possibly bring i forget to love the moment im in and i have been having some really great ones too, no matter what im feeling at the time.

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i love pinterest:)

current triumph: getting to my last class!! i am soooo close to done people. january 12th is coming sooo fast, 41 days to be exact:)
current bane of my existence: my final paper. its 30 pages people, really?! 30 pages. its due january 9th so i have lots of time to work on it, but its going to take a lot of work between now and then. theres lots of things going on between now and then too with holidays and family that its going to really put me to the test!
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current goal: to combat the holiday weight gain. it sounds a little silly but i learned such great things from joanie i need to not waste them over the holiday season. plus i feel really good about all my progress, lets not let the holidays burst that!  
current indulgence: coffee. frilly, girly, sugary coffee to be exact. that’s actually 2 months in a row, oops:)
current excitement: this is happening soon...
good grief you can tell were related!


  1. I want to know your current excitement! Don't leave me hanging! :)

    AWESOME month lady! And 41 days is NOTHING -- you got this!


  2. thanks girl!! and it happened yesterday:) post coming soon!
