Monday, February 13, 2012

the rage week 1 recap.

so after the big announcement yesterday its time to tell you all about the things i actually did this week. i have been pretty quiet on dailymile this week for a reason, i wasnt ready to tell you all about the things i did. now its time to let it all out!


monday~4-5 miles.
4.72 miles = 42:19 minutes/8:57 min/mile

finally back with the group and it felt good. i was trying to keep up with derrick the whole night who was in a serious groove. we had a new guy this week which i was of course very excited about. i did try to slow derrick down by telling him about my triathlon decision, which did work a little. he actually decided to sign up for the same event!

tuesday~300 meters
500 meters = 30 minutes

it was time to face fears, get into a pool, and see what happens. i realized i was not good, like at all. i was exhausted and out of breath. the cap did not keep my hair dry like i thought it would and the googles kept falling. i also realized this was going to be my biggest challenge.
cant believe my hair fit in that thing!
6am spin class

i was very glad to get back to some normalcy and be back in spin class. this class was friggin hard. the instructor came up with a new routine that went 23 minutes straight, a 30 second break, then 16 minutes straight. wow, killer.

thursday~500 meter swim and body pump.
500 meters = 30 minutes
6am spin

my very first double day. i wont lie, i have avoided these in previous training cycles for a reason, they are hard! this time i used my inhaler which made a big difference and i was a little bit more confident getting into the pool. i didnt have put my foot down as often. afterward i changed for body pump and had a gu to charge up. this class was hard. i was sooo super sore all day and knew friday was going to be tough to get out of bed. being through 2 tough workouts i was starving and gave up my power nap for a better breakfast. definitely a good idea for food, however i was soo tired all day. i need to get my schedule figured out to make it all work.


i had signed up for a 10k saturday morning and knew a rest day was important. especially after waking up and barely being able to get out of bed. the best part of the day was my dinner date with my best friend so i could carb up and we could do some much needed catching up. it was soo much fun!
girls night is never complete without dessert:)
saturday~love on the run 10k.
6.2 miles = 56:31 minutes/9:05 min/mile

it had been quite awhile since i done an actual 10k race and it was time for a new pr. richard came with me and i was very excited for him to come with. it was a really small race and a little bit hillier than i expected. i definitely beat myself up a little bit for feeling like this was harder than i thought it would be. there werent mile markers on the course so i got a little confused but there was a 1.5 mile turnaround for the 5k which meant there was only 1.5 miles left so i kicked it up. i crossed the finish line the 2nd female and set a huge pr! afterward richard and i celebrated over breakfast at an amazing pancake restaurant. it was sooooo good. they specialize in different types of pancakes and is getting super popular in vegas. delicious!
smore pancakes! heck yes!

totals for the week = 10.93mi ran + 1000m swam + 1 day of cross-training

this week was a huge eye-opener for me. it seriously kicked my ass. i found my weakness fairly easily and made a training plan accordingly. i also remembered how tough the first week of a training is in a new cycle. however, i am soo glad i got to tell everyone about my next race and get to try something totally new!

69 days till the rage triathlon!!!

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Great first week of training!! You are gonna rock this!

    I love knowing that someone else is going through the whole swimming thing too! This will be my first week of training - and I am mentally prepping myself for the swims!

    And congrats again on your amazing 10k PR!! Way to go!

    PS - are you still planning to do Warrior Dash AZ in April? I need to do my registration this week and I was curious if you're still doing it, and which wave you signed up for? :)
