Sunday, February 19, 2012

the rage week 2 recap.

this week seriously kicked my ass! it was the first full week of triathlon training and it was definitely hard. the 2-a-days are tough and make me hungry all the time haha! 


richard and i celebrated valentines day part 1 sunday so i was really glad it was a rest day as well. with the first week behind me it was nice to just hang out.

monday~500m swim am. 4-5 mile run pm.
550m swim
4.72 miles = 43:00 minutes/9:06 min/miles

the am swim didnt start out exactly like i was hoping. i was so stuck in my head that the 1st 200m were terrible. i finally signed up for race officially, kept waking up thinking my alarm wasnt going to go off so i would be late, am i really doing this. after i shook it out things went smoothly. i think it all started to hit me in a big way. 
i met up with the group that ended up only being 3 of us. the weather was awful, it looked like it was going to rain all day which would have been way better than the terrible wind we ran into all the way the hill, and it was really cold. i was feeling good and ready to fun but the wind just kicked my butt.

tuesday~600m swim.
700m swim

it was the first day i really felt strong and comfortable! the meters ticked off easily and i knew i could do more than 600m. i tried ear plugs for the first time which were ok, just need to play with them a little more. but not having water in my ears was totally worth it! and it was valentines day:)
wednesday~spin class.
6am spin = 20 miles

i havent sweated that much in a long time. she kept with the new thing of 23 minutes of work, 30 second rest, 16 minutes of work. i mean wow. 

thursday~500m swim. body pump class.
600m swim am
6am body pump  

this was one of those swims where you just zone out and before you know it your done. i was feeling good and even finished a little faster so i added some extra meters.
body pump still kicked my butt this week! its only the 2nd week of this release and it is seriously hard. especially after swimming first. i did start scheduling myself to come in at 10a instead of 9a so i was able to take a nap which was a huge help for the rest of the day!

friday~10 mile bike.
10.12 miles = 45 minutes/13.5mph

the bike is just mean. i expected it to be semi-easy and i would be able to get on it and go. turns out it was anything but. the bike is wobbly, the seat is incredibly hard that my va jay jay hurt for 2 days, 40* biking is totally different than 40* running, and cars are scary! i definitely needed to take it so someone could help me adjust it. i completed my 10 miles but it wasnt the greatest experience ever.
it looks so nice here.
saturday~4-6 miles.
5.31 miles = 50:58 minutes/9:35 min/mile

i dont think i have ever been so excited to run! it was the same clothes, the same aches when i started, the same route, i didnt have to think about anything. i was hoping for a little faster pace but was plenty happy with it. this run definitely reaffirmed that i am a runner. no matter what i decide about this triathlon thing in the future i will always be a runner:)

totals for the week = 1850m swam+30.13mi biked+10.03mi run 

this was my first full 6-day week and it was definitely hard. it made me very glad im a runner and already had a base from something. i cant even imagine going into all 3 sports fresh without any practice. i can see myself getting a little stronger with the swim and the 2nd week of 2-a-days was better than last week. this wont be easy but i am ready for the challenge!

61 days to the rage triathlon!!!


  1. My bike experience was very similar! I thought for sure I'd be able to just jump on it and go...not quite as easy as I imagined!! And my bootay hurt for days - I'm thinking a seat is a good investment!

  2. oh thank goodness i am not alone! why wasnt it easier?? i did get it adjusted after the ride so im hoping that is going to help, we'll see friday!
